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Gameplay Mechanics

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Randomized Dungeons

Dungeons will be randomly generated as in most Rogue-likes. The layout and tasks will vary from session to session, but the dungeon type and element will remain consistent unless in Hard Mode where the element will be randomized.

Player Skills

Players will be asked what area of Dungeon mastering they want to focus on. Traps, Magic, or Monsters. This will give them an advantage in certain tasks and access to exclusive power ups and items.


Puzzles will be how the player completes tasks. These will comprise of slider puzzles: Traps

Jigsaw: Dungeon infrastructure, and color connecting: Magic.

Choosing a boss and monsters will be a type pf logic puzzle. Clues are given to the player in the dungeon paperwork.


The stealth portion begins if the player has completed all of their tasks but is not in the green room when the time hits 0. In this portion of the game, the player has to make their way back to the green room without being caught. If the party catches the party, they will attack and the player will take damage. If the player’s HP hits 0, it will be considered a failure. The player can use items or magic to maneuver around the party. The player is detected if they fall into the party member’s cone of vision area, they will then give chase and the player must lose the party in order for them to stop chasing them.

The stealth mode will also apply in later dungeons when a lone adventurer comes into the dungeon before the timer runs out. In this event, complete tasks while avoiding detection.

Bonus Tasks

Sometimes bonus tasks will be available for the player to complete.  These are optional, but will help in boosting your overall dungeon score.

Countdown Timer

The countdown timer is how long the player has until the adventurer party arrives. Once it hits zero they will arrive. If the player hasn’t finished their tasks, it will count as a failure. If the player has completed their tasks but is not in the green room, the stealth portion will begin.

In later levels, sometimes a lone adventurer will arrive in the dungeon early. In this situation the player must continue their tasks while avoiding detection.

Power Ups

Power ups will come in the form of magic items and snacks.

Magic items are used to aid in tasks and snacks will boost player stats.

These are purchase din the green room before the dungeon repair starts and can be consumed at any time. Better items are unlocked as the Dungeon Rating increases and some items are only available to certain Dungeon Focuses.

Hard Mode

After a dungeon has been completed, players will have the option to replay it in hard mode.  Hard Mode dungeons will have some properties added onto the dungeon not normally seen and will have specific criteria to complete.

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