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Gameplay Overview

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A Day in the life of a Dungeon Resetter

Meet with the Foreman

Your day on the Dungeon Reset Team will begin by arriving in the Dungeon Greenroom.  This is a communal space where you can get to know your teammates and where your foreman will hold meetings about the day's dungeon repair.  After you've made your greeting rounds with your team mates, proceed to the meeting table and sit down in a chair of your choice, once everyone is seated, the foreman will commence the meeting.

Get Your Tasks

After the foreman concludes the meeting,  he'll hand out your task lists to you and your team.  After you receive your task list, take some time to go over it to properly prepare for your shift.  Take note of what kind of dungeon you'll be working in as well as any elemental properties, this will help you properly prepare for any particular situations you may encounter.  For example, you wouldn't want to send any fire monsters into an undersea temple ruin!  They would quite literally be out of their element.

Get Power Ups and Snacks

As you go over your tasks, consider the greenroom's wide selection of magical items and snacks to give you a boost.  Based on your performance, you will be given a larger selection of magical items and snacks.  These will aide in your shift repairing the dungeon, from giving you a speed boost, dark-vision, or even adding an extra thirty seconds to the time limit.

Complete your tasks

Once you're ready, talk to the foreman again to begin your shift.  Once you're in the dungeon, keep an eye on the clock as you do your repairs.  Once the adventurers arrive, you won't be able to do any more repairs and you will have to avoid being seen by them.  Not only would that be wildly unprofessional, but they actually don't know there's a dungeon repair team and will think you're just another monster to defeat.


Tasks will involve repairing dungeon infrastructure, repairing and activating traps, and recasting spells.  Note that you can take damage from activated traps, so activate with caution.


Ideally, you'll want to be back in the green room before the countdown timer expires but sometimes that won't always bee possible, so be sure to plan for cases where sneaking back to the greenroom is needed.


Find a suitable boss monster

We pride ourselves in providing satisfactory monster and boss battles for the many adventurers that pass through our dungeons.  So, choosing proper monsters and boss monsters is one of the top priorities of a dungeon resetter as they are the highlight of the average adventurer's dungeon experience.


We're always getting applications from contract monsters looking to build a reputation for themselves.  Once you're in the dungeon, use any of the monster tablets located in the dungeon to summon from a wide selection of contract monsters.  Note that you will need to escort the boss monster to their chambers, so be mindful of any traps you have repaired and activated.


Also, be mindful of the dungeon properties, so you can choose the best possible monsters that are most compatible for the dungeon.

Don't get caught

Once that countdown timer hits zero, the adventurers will arrive!  If you're already in the greenroom once the party arrives, nothing to worry about!  Just watch the fun.  However, sometimes you might not have the luxury of just letting the clock run out in the greenroom.  In these cases you will need to sneak back to the greenroom.  Just as long as you avoid the adventurers' line of sight with a combination of hiding and magic items, you'll be just fine!


We have also been informed that in some of our more advanced dungeons, parties will send a party member ahead of them to scout the area or they might even arrive early!  In these cases, please exercise the usual stealth measures while still completing your tasks.  For early parties, please consult your monster pamphlet for short notice mid-bosses to keep the party occupied.

Get your dungeon score

After everything is all said and done, it's time for the foreman to go over how you did on your shift.   Your score will be based on your repair success rate, matching monsters to dungeon properties, and overall completion speed.  If you made it back to the green room before the timer runs out, any remaining time will be added on as a bonus.


Penalties, on the other hand will be given based on any mistakes you have made, such as repeated failures to repair the dungeon, choosing monsters not suited to the dungeon, the mid-boss being noticeably stronger than the dungeon boss, or these not even being  boss or even treasure!


But don't get discouraged, you are always able to try again with a new strategy and new magic items!  Eventually, you may even be asked to take on special dungeons and be given team mates who can help you in the dungeon.  Just keep at it and one day you will be a Dungeon Master!

Stay Safe and Keep Dungeoning!

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